Here's what I have published on the blog:
Here's the best of what I have published on Medium (free to access from this email):
Here's the cool stuff I have learned:
Christine de Pizan was the first female medieval writer and poet, and probably the first feminist too with the book The City of Ladies in which she analyzes the feminine condition in France in 1405.
The king of Bhutan has gone on a world tour to speak to the Bhutanese community abroad and asked them to return home to build the country.
Musk is centralizing all of his companies in Texas, leading to the idea that the WFM decentralized company system becomes subpar at scale.
The metro of Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) is opened as the city is set to welcome the World Expo in 2030 and the FIFA World Cup in 2034.
50 million people stopped buying luxury products due to brands’ price increases and low-value propositions.
A prospiracy is a well-meaning conspiracy, that is, a secret arrangement to do something good.
We’re all familiar with Flight Radar 24 enabling you to follow planes in real time. Marine Traffic does the same thing for ships.
The origin of motivation is hereditary, not environmental.
Your body wakes up in part due to the rise of cortisol, the hormone of stress. Staying in bed past your normal wake-up time may disturb your circadian rhythm and the amount of cortisol, hence, may impact your level of stress during the day.
The impact of environmental interventions aimed at raising children’s intelligence disappears over time.
Adipose tissue retains an epigenetic memory of obesity after weight loss.
Women overestimate the facial femininity that men prefer in a partner and men overestimate the facial masculinity that women prefer in a partner.
I rarely watch movies nowadays but I had the chance to see Hadik, a Hungarian movie about the Hussars. It was refreshing. I recommend it!
Speaking of movies, the screenshot below shows the top ten-grossing movies in 2024. All of them were sequels, highlighting the severe creativity crisis in the West.
And because this is the end of the year, I decided not to choose a specific infographic but to post all of them.
Let’s start with the evolution of trust in institutions per generation per year in the United States. Tl;dr: trust decreased for everyone in all institutions except for the military (and except for millennials for whom it also decreased).
Now let’s move on to the growing political partisan gap between men and women outlined by The Guardian, showing that women considerably shifted left while men remained conservative. This graph is for the US.
This graph shows the same thing for other countries.
Now, this graph outlines the Democrats’ move to the left circa 2010.
What caused this? Nobody knows. The best-educated guess is that social media drives anxiety which itself propels extreme leftism, the two latter being (highly) correlated.
Share of high-schoolers who don’t smoke, drink, or do drugs in the US.
Now, let’s look at electricity prices in 2019 VS 2023 in various European countries VS the USA.
And this is the German industrial output.
Out-of-wedlock births in Finland. While the consequences of this particular issue remain unclear, most measures of…about anything, from economics to culture, saw a dramatic shift at the end of the 60s, amplified in the 2010s.
And we finish with the GDP per capita across Africa.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Take care.
Aure :)
It’s good to see that a larger percentage of high school students behave! And since my house is all electric, we’re having a hard time seeing those price benefits.
interesting as always Aure, how is your ecommerce business doing btw?